• Certain

    There seem to be no absolutes in the world we inhabit.

    ballpoint illustration of sherlock holmes doubting certainties in life and death

  • Pearl of wisdom. Doing the thing should be a reward in itself. External and delayed rewards are off-putting in the long run. This is why public likes and follows are so damaging for a creative individual, a harmful goal to achieve for, since one cannot influence what others like.

  • Consensus

    For people to agree on anything, they all first need to know what to do, why to do it, and who it’s for.

    ballpoint sketch of superheroes putting up their thumbs

  • InSight

    This lander-explorer is packed with instruments to probe the interior of the Red Planet.

    ballpoint sketch note of the InSight lander for the planet Mars

  • Echo chamber of greatness


    Thusly most remember the famous fifth symphony by Ludwig Von Beethoven. It’s part of Western culture, and it sounds through everything we do so much, we don’t even hear it anymore.

    ballpoint sketch of a buste of Ludwig Von Beethoven

  • After having gone through the HTML Tutorial on W3Schools at almost breakneck speed (for my doing), I’ve hit a roadblock at HTML Layout. I guess I need to study this more thoroughly before continuing. HTML5 certainly was a step up from previous versions.


  • Printers. They are affordable nowadays, compared to twenty years ago. However, this affordability comes with a constant need to fix problems that in the olden dot-matrix days didn’t need fixing πŸ–¨πŸ’©πŸ˜–

  • Exempt

    As a home renter I wasn’t aware of the protection home owners get in certain states of the USA.

    ballpoint drawing illustrating homestead exemption

  • Admiration

    If we admit it or not, we all have our role models, people we look up to and would want to emulate to better ourselves, be it race car driver, teacher or a tech entrepreneur. Our society wouldn’t be as great as it is if we couldn’t imagine a better world.

    ballpoint sketch of LOTR Gollum catching the ring of power

  • Lifehacker - How to Move From Twitter to Mastodon

    Why [do it]?

    People get to know each other and are more likely to post about their genuine real-life interests than to share news stories or endlessly discuss politics.

    It just feels like a nice, friendly place to be.

  • Regarding my ballpoint drawings, asking if those are any good is the wrong question. Better to ask myself, is the experience of making them any good? Answer, so far yes! OTOH this is about getting better at it, not merely enjoying scratching on cheap lined paper, though it helps.

  • License

    Gatekeepers think that creatives need them to make precious goods, are even owed eternal gratitude and 30 percent payment of anything third parties produce. That didn’t stop some to still make their own stuff, despite rules and restrictions of the big guys.

    Yogi Bear inspired cartoon drawn in ballpoint pen in a notebook

  • Ah, tomorrow will be a glorious day for ballpoint pen drawing. Here are my reference photos to give you a sneak peek.

    reference photos for ballpoint drawing

  • I believe I have all pins available on microβˆ™blog except one, which I can never get, because recommendations are very dependent on what someone else likes, a conversation, not a statement.

    15 of 16 pins unlocked

  • I’ve unsubscribed to everyone I followed on MB, and started following new users. It’s a slow process, since these people aren’t exactly friends (yet), whose quirkiness I can overlook. The Discovery tab is not very useful, since it’s human curated, and, therefore, opinionated.

    Meme: πŸ˜‹ When your best friend makes plans with someone else πŸ˜‚

  • I believe there’s a dinstiction between feeling better about one’s actions and trying to better oneself. The latter walks the bridge; the first lives underneath it.

    troll face
  • Feast

    Behold in the beast’s eye the celebration of what’s to come.

    ballpoint sketch of two festive guinea pigs in Christmas garb

  • It appears Mastodon has no valid rss feeds for a user’s posts, other than if you run a bot on your own server that watches that user’s Mastodon feed and creates an rss feed on the fly. Or something similar. Mastodon is like Twitter in that respect, a closed web application πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

  • Figure

    A certain multi-billionaire bought a social media site for a large sum of money. The impression he left was of a bull in a china shop, guessing he could get away with it, like 3, 2, 1 … liftoff!

    ballpoint sketch of Elon Musk

  • I finished the Cloudcannon tutorial, and as usual, it went totally off the rails for me with too advanced stuff. Ah well, it seemingly only was to wet one’s appetite to start learning Hugo. Read more…