I’ve done it. Removed all my blogs except one from the micro∙blog Timeline, disabled all cross-posting.
I wasn’t aware that there is such a thing as Consumer Subscription Software or CSS. And yes, micro∙blog is a CSS company, though, it seems, not for sale, as many CSS businesses are in this boom due to a recession, how illogical that even sounds.
In the light of recent developments, I made a mastodon account and linked to my micro∙blog feed for cross-posting. Hope it works 🤞
This morning when I woke up early I was puzzled. Why so early, it doesn’t feel that early? Right, Daylight Saving Time, time to change the non-Internet connected clocks. Next week it’s your turn, USA and Canada, to change your time of day and sleep in on Sunday 💤⏰
After my corona vaccination 1.5 weeks ago, I had a dip in my weekly mileage. GPs advice, so I’ve found through online search, for kids after their vaccination is against any intensive sports. I missed that, and now know why I felt so bad during my training in the last 10 days🏃♂️
I did the quiz on wren.co to find my lifestyle produces 5.6 tons of CO2 per year, which could be offset by a €11.70 monthly subscription.
Not yet caturday, yet so close 🐱😻
I’ve always found that there’s no one true way to explain. Understanding someone (or something) requires fitting existing knowledge and beliefs with an anecdotal utterance by an outside source. Change will be small, since most people are set in their ways of doing things.
So, regarding NaNoWriMo, what exactly is a novel? Wordnik has this to say:
A fictitious prose narrative or tale, involving some plot of more or less intricacy, and aiming to present a picture of real life in the historical period and society to which the persons, manners, and modes of speech, as well as the scenery and surroundings, are supposed to belong.
That makes mud look like a clear substance. A better definition probably comes from the characterization of pornography by Supreme Court justice Potter Stewart:
I know it when I see it.
Do I even want to write a novel? I suppose when someone asks themselve this question, probably not. Don’t even attempt NaNoWriMo unless there’s no doubt in your mind you can do this. On the contrary, you must do this. No less than full dedication can pull you through.
Well, that rules me out. Don’t let this stop you.
I did my part to beat the pandemic. Now vaccinated against COVID-19 virus, though only for 3 months, and with 63 percent certainty I’m not infecting others in close contact, starting 2 weeks from now, and slowly dropping to zero percent. 💉😷🦠🤧📉 What a world we live in!
I suppose as long as I’m still worried about the result rather than enjoying the process, I can’t but be patient until my inner voice shuts the h*$!l up. Until it does, I should only draw when I feel like drawing, not to fulfill some imagined daily duty to draw 🎨 Inktober Fail.
My solution to people posting status updates only is to unsubscribe. If even then my timeline is filled up with them, I’ll stop visiting the timeline. No Javascript solution for me, since status updates as messages are a symptom of bad social network design.
I went away for quite some hours today, and my cats wanted to hang out with me, on my lap, to show their love. Unfortunately, they’re big cats and my lap has limited space available. I guess I should lie down to offer more “human surface” for them 🐱
Contemplating what to do with athletes who want to compete recreational in marathons, triathlons and ultras, yet don’t get the support they pay their T&F club a fee for. I suppose they better look for a personal coach, since we’ve been without a coach for many years now 🏃♂️
Watching a 2 years old YT video interviewing Ebon Upton of Raspberry PI fame.
Yesterday our small scale running race (165 🏃♀️🏃, well-organized, 2x per year) around Nijkerk, the Netherlands, was accompanied by fanfare, courtesy of Concordia Nijkerkerveen. They were nice enough to walk us from the parking lot to the start, a few hundreds meters away.
I know when we had weeks old kittens around the house, we never watched television. Why would we; we had all the entertainment we needed!
Perhaps it’s good I haven’t much of the modern conveniences people have stuffed their homes with and now can’t afford the energy consumption.
I perhaps should mention that last Sunday I kinda ruined my half marathon race, yet got a boost in comfidence by outdoing myself with short bursts of speed during the race. With proper training I could see myself beating my PR set 20 years ago in my 40s, proving 60 isn’t old 🏃
Why does a heroic pose require a constipated look?