• Tomorrow, December 7, the prompt for my extended blogging challenge is going to be…


  • Auto-NomNom-Y

    Many want cars that drive themselves, so they can munch while being transported. It’s like Elon’s DC against Nikola’s AC, yet not at all, and certainly impossible when there are people involved, some of whom feel more equal than those who are not (like) them.

    colored sketch illustrating the concept of Auto-NomNom-Y, using Tesla, the car and the person.

  • On the sixth day of my personal extension of micro∙blog’s microblogvember the prompt will be:


  • Seat

    The red and blue chair, designed by Gerrit Rietveld between 1919 and 1922. It was an attempt to make good minimalist furniture available to the masses. It was priced in 1923 at ƒ15 (± €126 nowadays). Professionally made replicas retail for €1500 and up.

    Digital sketch of a Red and Blue chair, drawn in Procreate on iPad.

  • Today’s prompt for my extended version of micro∙blog microblogvember is:


  • Proportion

    I always had problems with measuring; I was never very exact with it. For drawing it meant that likeness required more work and more attention. Even though it doesn’t look like it, the sketch took me over 90 minutes and still it’s all wrong, wrong, wrong!

    ballpoint sketch of a little girl with pigtails

  • Tomorrow, December 4, the prompt for my extended blogging challenge is going to be…


    Such an art-making related word.

  • .is

    Iceland is an altogether unique island state which an active volcano and stunning landscapes, and a surprising temperate climate for its Northern latitude, so close to the arctic circle.

    colored ballpoint pen sketch of river running through striated rocks pillar walls

  • Tomorrow, December 3, the prompt for my extended blogging challenge is going to be…


    No, it literally is “is.” »Chuckle« Y’know, the word the adulterous president 🤥🎩 tried to redefine, that is it is, is 🤔❔

  • Occupy

    People can take over prominent places for a peacefully protest against the growing embarrassment of riches. Similarly can a cartoon character embarrass an artist by pointing at some rather off-model mugshots, despite many hours of preparatory sketches.

    colored pen and pencil sketch of 25 emotions of Timon

  • Tomorrow, December 2, the prompt for my extended blogging challenge is going to be…


  • Jest(est)

    When I think of a comedian, Buster Keaton comes to mind. He’s supposed to be the master of physical comedy (slapstick), yet I know so little about him. I’m sure most of his work is in the public domain, so studying it should be easy enough.

    colored ballpoint sketch of a stonefaced Buster Keaton surrounded by bathing beauties

  • And… I’ll extend—on my own—the micro∙blog prompt-based blogging challenge based on randomwordgenerator with the word jest for December 1.

  • A quick test. There will be a learning curve. But hey, learning new stuff is fun.

    colored ballpoint pen test page

  • I’m so excited 😝 about my colored pens that have just arrived by mail! It’s like it’s Sinterklaas already 😊

  • Passkeys are DOA, because websites seem to prefer to outsource them to a third party rather than doing the hard work of implementing passkeys as a first party, on the same domain as the website. This makes phishing possible, and therefore passkeys just as vulnerable as passwords.

  • Safety

    Most security IRL is based on inconvenience rather than impenetrability. Locks can be picked. A locked door inconveniences more than an unlocked door (since a lock requires a key or knowledge and equipment to pick that lock). More locks inconvenience more, duh!

    ballpoint pen sketch of two locks on a door

  • Oooh 😯 fancy ascii art for the coding aficionados (front end developers) among Flickr users

    html code of page source, showing ascii art
  • I always wondered why my cats are so strong…

    ballpoint sketch of cat eating spinach from a can

  • My Microblogvember 2022 (so far…)

    I didn’t compete in the very first microblogvember in 2019. It’s a self-challenge to blog every day on the timeline of micro∙blog for the month of November. This year, 2022, will be my first attempt to beat any procrastination to create that might come up during a month. I’ve done 29 of the 29 days so far, with only one day to go. I think I’ll manage the last one.

    Here are 29 word prompts (and my solutions):

    collage of 29 ballpoint pen sketches for Microblogvember 2022

    1. Figure (Musk buying twitter)
    2. Feast (guinea pigs)
    3. License (Micro∙camp)
    4. Admiration (Gollum)
    5. Exemption (House owners)
    6. Echo (Beethoven)
    7. Insight (spacecraft)
    8. Consensus (superheroes)
    9. Certain (Sherlock Holmes)
    10. Minister (TV series)
    11. Display (Adrian Black)
    12. Suspicion (Hitchcock)
    13. Adjust (heating)
    14. Leave (of senses)
    15. Aluminium (the chemical)
    16. Franchise (Superman)
    17. Barrel (beer vat)
    18. Tire (kitten from playing)
    19. Novel (fantasy)
    20. Repeat (Commodore 64)
    21. Ice (age)
    22. Graze (box)
    23. Update (Microblog News)
    24. Retain (Medieval prison)
    25. Ritual (Black Friday)
    26. Commitment (Hunchback of Notre Dame)
    27. Motivation (Willy Wonka)
    28. Trend (life lesson)
    29. Fish (barracuda)

    Mind you, I’m not stopping when November 30 ends. I will keep going, from “November 31” up to and including “November 61” 🤣 After the last official prompt for November 2022 from the @challenges@micro.blog account, I’ll continue with randomwordgenerator on my own. Hopefully by then I’ll have colored ballpoint pens, so I can make it more interesting to look at.

    So, my self-challenge ends with the year 2022. Until then, it’ll be nose to the grindstone and solve the current daily prompt with a sketch and some words. I guess I’ll evaluate how it went in the New Year.

    If you’re asking yourself why I drew in a notebook with lines, it’s a self-depreciation built in, so I can’t worry about such silly thoughts. It’s already bad for drawing to begin with. I can only make it better.

    ballpoint pen selfie shrunken to a postage stamp size ✍️