Pixel art The RSS feed for Pixel art.

  • Pixel Dailies for 8 May 2022 was a quicky, because I was behind. The theme was “organic.” Playing organ with fruit in my mind.

    pixel art keyboard playing organic fruit
  • Microβˆ™blog May challenge, day 10, “pot.” As usual, words have different meanings, be it a jar or a herb.
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    pot of mustard on dinner table with pixel art stoner
  • Day 9 of microβˆ™blog May challenge #mbm, “bloom.” I have added two kinds of “bloom.” The third is made of iron.
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    flower bloom and Harold Bloom pixel art in a bush
  • Today’s prompt for Pixel Dailies was “clock.” I chose a water clock, the most ancient version of a timepiece, assumably, as an artifact over 6000 years old.

    pixel art water clock
  • Today’s Pixel Dailies task was to “pixel a set of units for a Tower Defense game.” I had to look that up, because I had no clue of what was meant, and now I do, nor what I was supposed to draw.
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    pixel art of defense units
  • Today’s prompt for the microβˆ™blog May challenge #mbm was “park.” I recently visited the chapel dedicated to Saint Gertrude of Nivelles, and added some pixel art.
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    city park with fantasy rocket drawn in pixel art
  • Pixel art. Today’s Pixel Dailies theme was “mario64.” I had this complicated fake 3D walk cycle in mind, when I remembered the slogan “think big, draw small.” This usually works when in time constraint.

    Pixel art Mario in a single running pose in a fake 3D circle
  • Pixel art 🚧 What have I set myself up to for the Pixel Dailies challenge? This may take more hours than there are in a single day.

    screenshot pixaki app on iPad with very rough W.I.P.
  • Today’s microβˆ™blog May challenge was “earth.” I tried to imagine how Shovel Knight would do a workout in his free time. He moves earth… with a shovel.
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    photo with small hill and a pixel art bare muscleman with a shovel in front of it
  • The theme for today’s Pixel Dailies was “split.” I loosely based my drawing on the James Bond character Oddjob.

    pixel art man in torn up bowler hat with disc in his hand
  • The fourth day of the microβˆ™blog May challenge was hard, because I had too many solutions. People afraid of burglars can get in a thorny situation when people cutting their hands in a nightly climbing exercise sue the owners for damages, like cuts.
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    wall with glass sherds on top, pixel art ants marching on it
  • Today’s Pixel Dailies theme was isolated, and I chose Worf’s discommendation (from Star Trek NG s03e17 “Sins of the Father."
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    pixel art scene from star trek next gen
  • Microβˆ™blog May challenge, day 3, prompt “experimental.” This is an experimental flying carpet, clearly.
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    cat on cushion with magician in pixel art on its back
  • My entry for the MB May challenge, day 1, prompt “switch.” The switch is connected to the lamp in the pixel drawing. #mbmay

    light switch with pixel art lamp
  • Pixel art. Today’s Pixel Dailies theme was “Treasure Hunter.”

    pixel art treasure hunter egg stealer fox-like thingamabob
  • Pixel Dailies for 1 May 2022, theme “Treasure Guardian."

    pixel art cat sleeping around treasure chest
  • Pixel Dailies for the month of April 2022

    I titled this month April Fool’s Month, to extend the first day of April to a whole month of pranks and fun. It was also the month Elon Musk tried to buy Twitter, with the premise that “free speech” would be his overall theme for changing the social media service.

    Like so many with me, I’ve weaned myself from Twitter (and Facebook). The only exceptions for me are the Pixel_Dailies account, and daily theme bot PD_Theme. Those accounts kept me there for my daily pixel art prompt. My reasoning was that if I want to improve my pixel art, I should do it more often. Spending many hours every day on pushing pixels in the Pixaki app on my regular (non-pro) iPad would certainly do that!

    Judging from the 30 pixel art drawings below, I think I reached a next skill level. More importantly, I kept at it. All too often with previous challenges I gave up, didn’t take it seriously anymore, because that it the easy way to deal with a challenge. In the past month I regularly had to give myself a talking to motivate myself to pick up the iPad and start drawing.

    pixel art for April Fool's Month 2022, days 1 thru 9
    pixel art for April Fool's Month 2022, days 10 thru 18
    pixel art for April Fool's Month 2022, days 19 thru 27
    pixel art for April Fool's Month 2022, days 28 thru 30

    If Twitter eventually changes into a place I no longer can identify with, there are other avenues for art prompts, specifically for pixel art. And if even that wouldn’t work, I can always go back to drawing with a pencil on paper.

    Now I’ve tasted a modicum of success, I want more!

    I also discovered why artists keep their intermediate steps to themselves. It spoils the surprise. Presentation is an important part of enjoying art, so the artist needs to make it as impactful as possible. I certainly am a novice when it comes to presenting my art.

    Then there’s learning the tricks of the trade, art as a skill, instead of a vision. As usual, there are many approaches, and not every approach suits every artist. However, the human vision system is as it is, and using it to the artist’s advantage is a basic ability every artist worth their efforts should apply to their art.

    Pixel art is limited by its small size, so placing pixels of the correct color in a meaningful pattern is rather important, if not crucial to the art form. It makes it highly suggestive and imaginative, and that is especially why it appeals to me. The tedium of likeness of more traditional art can bore the art maker so that they try to find stylistic shortcuts to avoid it, leaving out details the eye expects and can infer from what’s already there. Room for interpretation by the beholder is as old as the cave paintings of the Stone Age. Pixel art is no different in that respect. Still, there’s a lot to learn here for me.

    There are certainly art styles, personal and cultural preferences of how to implement an artistic vision, as I discovered, but I haven’t scratched the surface on those either. Since I couldn’t find much publicly available in writing about pixel art style specifically, I guess I have to use insights of art teachers and critics in other art disciplines. There certainly are lesson plans available, but those are mostly restricted to a (local) educational system behind a paywall.

    As is often claimed by experienced artists: “Art as a field is both wide and deep.” Even veterans in pixel art keep learning new things, improving their skills. It’s impossible to know everything and no longer improve as an artist.

    Ah, there’s no end to this, bliss!

  • Pixel art animation for the final day of April Fool’s Month 2022, using Pixel Dailies and the theme “Loop.” I could’ve gone allout, but decided to apply “think big, draw small."
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    pixel art ball rolling round and round on an infinite staircase.
  • Pixel art 🚧 It’s the ultimate day of April Fool’s Month. I was inspired to draw one of the Terminators in the border. Will it be a dystopian future of abandonment, or will I start a new chapter in my artistic journey? Only time will tell…
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    pixel art with terminator and still empty canvas
  • Pixel art for Pixel Dailies on the penultimate day of April Fool’s Month, themed “paperweight.” I searched for Ghibli cat and got among others a plushy, which I used as reference.

    pixel art cute cat on stack of paper