Currently reading: The Complete Sherlock Holmes (Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Classic Collection) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 📚
How to write a story…
I have no clue. It’s a nice notebook, though. Maybe I need stickers to improve my storytelling chops. No clue who sells those, stationery shops? Are those still around?
Read an article in my local free newspaper about a recent war movie on Netflix, The Forgotten Battle (Slag om de Schelde). It’s about the WW II battle for the river Scheldt after D-day. Here’s a good YT review for you (spoiler free, even though it’s based on real events).
Did a 10 mile hike along my hometown’s harbor and sluice with its drawbridge. Very industrial and noisy, not really for tourists, although, there’s a separated single sidewalk, and, partially, separated bike lanes on each side of the road for the 5000 people who work here.
Currently reading: Galileo’s Finger: The Ten Great Ideas of Science by Peter Atkins 📚
I suppose today will be a show of strength of character, as with a very tired body I’m going to run a 10 km race in Utrecht, the Netherlands, called Maliebaanloop. It’s 4+ hour of travel for a 50 minutes 🏃 race. I expect to be exhausted when I come home.
I’m doing a kind of dress rehearsal for a marathon, by doing a 32 km long run today, 10 km race tomorrow. I didn’t sleep well, woke up at 4:30 am, for a run starting slightly before 7 am, in the dark. The sun’ll rise after 8 am. To say I’m nervous is an understatement 🏃
Chimney with industrial heritage status. I’m sure many oldtimers’ memories will be sparked by the smell of cleaning alcohol, which its factory produced until the early 2000s.
Another shooting in my hometown. Luckily, this time I wasn’t near the incident. I suspect the Belgian maffia has been busy eliminating bad actors in their Dutch crime ring, or something. One man died yesterday after being shot in the head Tuesday.
I’m spotting spots on spots 🐱
Just back from my yearly flu-shot. Also, two shootings, one only a few hundred meters away. It happened while I was walking to the GP’s office. Today was a day of shootings/shots in my little hometown 🤔
Wow, Apple iTunes and Juice Receiver as suggested free podcasting apps, back in 2010. Both are kinda defunct, 11 years later. How things chance in podcast-land, and keep changing. Also notice, no https, anywhere.
There was a ghastly cold fog 2⁴ days past the second equinox 🌫
Currently reading: Winter-bloei by Jan Hendrik Wolkers 📚
Prompt list for Inktober 2021 Classic, 31 ink drawings for 31 days.
There’s also a Inktober 52 going on, one ink drawing for every week of 2021, for more dedicated inkers.
My hometown Bergen op Zoom has a strong relationship with the river Scheldt and its estuary with the North Sea. This hopefully explains the three crabs 🦀, which represent the inhabitants in this cast iron statue by Kees Keizer.
Vet visit 🐱 He’s rather well-behaved.
Is resemblance the same as being related? 🐱
I believe this lovely 😊 flower is called Policeman’s Helmet in English. I saw it today on my run and stopped to make a (live) photo. 🏃🌸 🌱
As expected, the impossible-to-tear elastic band for strength training tore from me using it for exercises. Now advancing to the green band.