• Writing in isometric perspective; it’s rather tricky with pixel art.
    πŸ‘Ύ πŸ–₯πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ¨πŸŽ¨

    pixel art
  • As an empty sheet is perfection for both artist and writer, the only way to win with wordle is not to play, averting addiction. Still NOT playing, resisting temptation like a game teatotaller.

  • More isometric pixel art practice, a hello-world? It seems so easy, until you implement it.
    πŸ‘Ύ πŸ–₯πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ¨πŸŽ¨

    pixel art animation
  • I constructed my first house in isometric perspective pixel art. It’s rather tedious and error prone, as you may spot here and there. I suppose practice will bring improvement.
    πŸ‘Ύ πŸ–₯πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ¨πŸŽ¨

    pixaki iPad screenshot pixel art drawing
  • I wonder, do people still write personal letters, pen on paper, longhand, sealed in an envelope? I used to, as a youth. I was never good at it, but better than talking, because we didn’t talk at the dinner table as a family, especially not about personal stuff, ever.

  • Pixel art practice. Six basic emotions of the human face.

  • Pixel art, seasonal affective disorder.

  • Pixel art based on a sketched idea.

  • Finished reading: Het Dal Der Beloften (dl.4) by Jean M. Auel πŸ“š Much more pleasant read than part 2, comparable to part 1.

  • Today I turned the traced image into a top view. This will enable me to create an isometric perspective view tomorrow. The animation shows the workflow I want to use: trace πŸ‘‰ floorplan πŸ‘‰ isometric view. There’s some creative license with only one reference photo.

    pixel art animation
  • I traced architecture in pixel art as a study. I wanted to create an isometric perspective, but realized I’m still too inexperienced in architecture drawing to pull it off.

    pixel art drawing
  • Isometric chess horse.

    pixel art animation
  • Isometric jam session. Pixel art.
    πŸ‘Ύ πŸ–₯πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ¨πŸŽ¨

    pixel animation
  • Sunday morning pixel art doodles.

    pixel art animation
  • I suppose most screens nowadays are 16:9, so perhaps I should use that as well. Pixel art at 320 x 180 pixels.

    rhino pixel art
  • Practicing isometric perspective with a rhino. Pixel art 160 x144.

  • Currently reading: Het Dal Der Beloften (dl.4) by Jean M. Auel πŸ“š

  • For isometric perspective pixel art sprites, there are (hardware) restrictions to what can be drawn, and (geometry) rules for how to draw. Both can be bent, but at a cost, either in performance or artistically. The clear benefit is a 3D look without perspective scaling.

  • It took me more time than I wished to create a rough animation of the same character pose from eight different directions. iPad OS clearly lacks the functionality of a full-blown desktop OS, especially for easy creation of animation.

    pixel art animation
  • From the AdamCYounis YouTube channel I got some important insights about character design with pixel art:

    • smaller canvases are harder
    • topdown is like looking down at 45Β°
    • horizontal and vertical lines are key for coherent look
    • clear pose beats realism
