• Moreover, moreover, it’s the first of Octoberโ€ฆ

    notebook with ballpoint pen on top of it
  • While both books and points of interest (aka check-ins) are interesting features of MB, what about daily quotes?

  • Silly idea in pixel art ๐ŸŽจ for a Strava profile pic. I won’t be using it, though.

    pixel art of runner tagged know wing

    Aside from the clear spelling error.

  • Well, the idea of unassuming art appeals to me. While big statements are often impressive, they are often not entirely true (spin) or downright lies. I prefer to make my own informed decissions, thank you very much, even if that means I’m less well-informed about the world.

  • Tomorrow I’ll be attempting to run ๐Ÿƒ my long run not only on the usual empty stomach and only tap water, but also on slightly depleted glycogen stores, trying to “touch the wall on purpose”, deal with it while running. So today I’ll be fasting, doing the reverse of CH stacking.

    Map of my 26 km running course
  • And the struggle continues. Only 7 days left for Inktober Classic and only a poor observational skill to help me through 31 drawings from direct observation. It won’t be pretty, nor (even remotely) compete with established pen artists on Instagram, if I even knew who they were. ๐ŸŽจ

    ballpoint pen sketch of three soap containers
  • Most of you have probably looked at rainbows, only some of you might have seen a rainbow.

    Walter Lewin in his lecture with physics students in 2002, explaining what rainbows ๐ŸŒˆ truly are, giving us more appreciation than the mere beauty of them.

  • nature during sunrise being beautiful
  • Based on a fuzzy photo in the rain, this morning I used it as a reference for this pencil sketch. The result is what it is, but it’s a result despite the fear of failure. The latter is silly ๐Ÿ™ƒ since nothing is threatening me, nor has failing real consequences. ๐ŸŽจ

    pen sketch of good running friend

  • Work (currently) in Progress ๐Ÿƒ First long run in my current marathon schedule, a 3+ hour run.

    map of my run over 32 km with two overlapping loops

    See my Strava activity.

  • Watching relay.fm’s live stream for St. Jude Children’s Hospital fundraiser. It starts in a few minutes!

  • I’ve noticed that in my timeline in many occasions I have no idea what people are writing about. I suppose the reverse is true as well. I wonder how I can find people to follow who at least I can somewhat understand. The Discover tab isn’t doing it for me, clearly, same reason.

  • Isn’t it customary for people who need their iPhone to work, to wait for at least a point update, like 16.1? ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ“ฑ

  • Today’s ballpoint pen sketch from observation. It’s still hard to get into the mood of drawing, especially if there’s so much noise around to distract me ๐ŸŽจ

    ballpoint sketch of pot with flowering plant
  • Observational sketch with ballpoint pen in a notebook ๐ŸŽจ

  • More experimenting. I made a frame of 120 x 108 mm on paper in my notebook and sketched a fox from a photo reference with ballpoint pen. Next I scanned it and tried to create a pixel art outline, which I filled with flat colors. ๐ŸŽจ It’s too many steps to feel “easy to do."

    ballpoint pen sketch of a foxpixel art sketch of a fox

  • So perhaps I should do some urban sketching with a notebook and a pen. Here’s two sketches of my two Bengal cats in low-low resolution (16x16) ๐ŸŽจ๐ŸฑPerhaps the resolution should be more like 64x64 pixels for better recognizability, or even higher, 160x144. So more experimentsโ€ฆ

    Notebook page with initial pixel art sketchesdigital pixel art of two cats in a 16x16 pixel grid

  • So swordtember turned out to be a big failure. It seems I’m really bad at routine and habit forming. Nevertheless, I turned to Reddit gets Drawn, and drew this woman ๐ŸŽจ No idea if I can keep this up. I haven’t posted it on Reddit, because I don’t like it myself, so why would she?

    pixel art of woman with goggles on her hair
  • So phone cameras are basically a way to deal with whatโ€™s in front of you, examine its intricacies and details, later, much later. It would be the opposite of being in the moment, of living life to its fullest. If this is true, of course. It may devalue life experiences to pixels.

  • This month I’m doing swordtember. Number 1 is the longsword, done as pixel art

    Swordtember number 1, longsword pixel art