• I tried some Mathologer stuff, and found it very hard to replicate. Often it’s just too hard for me to follow. Maybe I’m just too old or scatterbrained. I’m seriously contemplating to enter my doodles in Doodleaddicts, aka DA, not to be confused with deviantART.

    ballpoint pen sketch for math is hard
  • Peasant

    I watched a documentary about the European medieval history of peasants and landlords, and how 80 percent of the population worked the land. Some (70%) were serfs, and not all were poor, as you might expect. They were mostly neglected, though.

    ballpoint pen sketches of a pig peasant
  • Today’s—December 20—random prompt is:


    rough sketch of peasant pig
  • Watching Drawing Wiff Waffles on YT, and Rin brought up Laffy Taffy, which so sounds like a dad-joke. Who comes up with these names? 🤣

  • Dribble

    Knowledge and experience are similar in the sense that they both come in small quantities and accumulate over time. It makes me realize how little I know, and that I can’t possibly know it all. And then there are things we can never know nor live through.

    ballpoint sketch of dribbling basketball player
  • Today’s blogging prompt is:


    What comes in dribs and drabs I suppose.

    dribs and drabs illustration
  • Drawn in French Girls App on August 20, 2016. Even back then, there were “technical difficulties”. Apparently, few things have changed since then.

    Loddy is experiencing difficulties, says Pinocchio
  • I have a deviantART account, but no longer use it. A more modern alternative I just found is DoodleAddicts. There’s a limited free account and an affordable paid account. I’ll try it for a while and then report back if I liked it.

  • Brain

    Literature often returns to this mysterious organ on top of our bodies. Be it Frankenstein who got a bad one, or the scarecrow from Oz who had one after all (spoiler!). Alas, its response often makes no sense, hence the mysteriousness.

    colored sketch with ballpoint and gel pen of Frankenstein, a huge brain and the scarecrow from Oz
  • Today is December 18 and my random prompt is:


    From ⚡️ Frankenstein to 🎈 Wizard of Oz, 🧠 grey matter!

  • Lump

    Recent developments with AI on online artists communities (DeviantArt and ArtStation) make clear that art and artists are denied any deference for their key role in society. No consent is deemed necessary. So sad 😞

    ballpoint and gel pen colored sketch of a cartoonish cat with a lump in its throat
  • Today is December 17, and the extended blogging challenge prompt is:


    as a warmup, here is a colored pen drawing of stylized purple and white cat

    (Insert one of lumpy space princess’s trashy quotes here.)

  • Humility is 🤘SUPERIOR🤘 to Pride!!

    😏 proudly exclaimed by some humble unknown artist

    I read this article on DifferenceBetween, and the gist of it was:

    A proud person always considers himself superior to others whereas a humble person doesn’t.

    Of course, this is a generalisation, in reality things are a bit more nuanced. However, the desire to learn of one’s own volition is mostly based on recognizing one’s flaws that need fixing, be it only partially. This requires some modicum—more likely a lot—of humility.

    Since art is mostly about perspective (point of view), the artist has to keep an open mind to new ideas. The business of art, on the other hand, requires a cultivation of ideas, a confident persona. The pride of an accomplished professional artist is what draws attention, sells their craft and vision to an audience.

    This attitude is a performance, though, to market oneself. On their own, the artist is (or should be) full of self-doubt and humility. Most people only see the art selling persona, while the art making persona stays mostly out of sight.

    Don’t think for one moment that the artist you admire so much never has a bad day, and never produces art that makes them dispare and feel like an imposter. Artists are humans that work hard to achieve their goals, and they do fail on occasion. And like most humans, they don’t like to share their cringeworthy mistakes, at least, not openly.

    It would be prideful to think that every of one’s strokes on a canvas is to be a god-given masterpiece. The creative process requires exploration, and not every artistic journey is going to be succesful. The artist will often embrace their mistakes, learn from it, and finish the piece. Real artists ship, after all.

    So humility drives the eager artist to do better next time, and only share their best attempts to the wider world. And yes, older pieces can make them cringe, a sign that even artists have moments in which they feel superior… to their past selfs.

    To err is human, to forgive divine, as the English poet Alexander Pope would have it say. So forgiving oneself is what should follow embarrassment over past accomplishments.

    I wrote this, because I needed it. I published, because someone else might too.

  • Sticky

    When you’re on a web service that’s full of fun and interesting people, that service tends to be sticky in a nice way. When that service turns sour from misbehavior, it’s sticky in an uncomfortable way. You might even call it fishy, since it reeks from discontent.

    ballpoint pen and colored gel pen sketch of a baby with its hand full of honey
  • Today’s (December 16) randomly chosen word is:


  • Split

    The guys from the Connected podcast left Twitter en masse, because they couldn’t take the verbal attacks, bigotry and downright neo-nazism anymore. I can only hope they will become happier by no longer reading what a bunch of close-minded idiots think is free speech.

    colored ballpoint pen sketch of the hosts of the podcast Connected running away from Twitter
  • Today’s prompt couldn’t be more apt for me. I might go beyond 280 characters. It is:


    I was affected by the announcement that the follks at @relayFM have abandonned Twitter, because of recent developments and years of taking verbal abuse for granted b/c of FOMO and inertia.

  • It seemed to me that LiveJournal was the perfect journaling web app. Why did it fail? It didn’t fail, it was popular amongst Russians, was acquired and relocated by a Russian banker loyal to Putin, and then the Kremlin started persecuting critics of the regime. Read more here.

  • The question remains if I should explore ballpoint pen art, knowing my failure rate at pursuing such topics has been 100%. Well, actually, I was too passionate and burned out before I approached anything like mastering. I should pace myself.

    notebook page with two colored ballpoint ink doodles and some remarks about ballpoint pen art

  • attic

    There’s a place in many houses where stuff is stored, or, more accurately stated, stowed away until people move house (and sometimes not even then). Up and away out of people’s minds.

    ballpoint pen sketch of an attic