• Don’t you hate it when scientists are unsure if running on soft surfaces can result in injuries? The best advice (given how little is known) seems to be to avoid soft surfaces if you’re tired and stiff in your legs and hit the road instead 🏃‍♂️

  • The fact that using OpenAI requires an account & credit card should give pause to thought. It’s using serious amounts of energy. It clearly isn’t a toy and should be used sparingly if you care about your impact on the real world. Entertain yourself with books 📚 instead, if you find yourself bored.

  • Drawing from imagination is always a struggle for me, while for some it comes naturally, so it seems. Mind you, I used references, as is the smart thing to do. The hand is drawn mirrored, though, or it’s held on the other side of the head.

    pencil sketch of a human head as an onion with a hand sticking up two fingers
  • Doodling while watching YouTube videos. From my history:

    • Make ‘Em Laugh, Somewhere Over The Rainbow, Heal The World, Do-Re-Mi, Day-o (Banana Boat Song), A-team theme, Mannix theme, Singing In The Rain, Eye Of The Tiger, The Avengers theme, Adventures of the Gummi Bears theme, Colors of the Wind
    page full of pencil doodles
  • So I (sorta) took part in the March 2023 photo challenge of micro.blog. Only I didn’t take photos, but made sketches, mostly with pencil on paper. I did use the prompts. However, I didn’t always post on the appropriate day. Of course, I wasn’t included in the daily grid of photos.

    photo grid of 31 pencil sketches for March of 2023
  • pencil sketches of drawing practice from imagination
  • mirrorred pencil sketch of man holding cat
  • pencil drawing of a sliced apple, a fruit knife and a cat scratching the table surface
  • pencil sketch of a mystical figure snapping their fingers, surrounded by the text Do Do This
  • Strava on the web was having a hard time serving content, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t on their end. So I force-quit a few apps, and things went to normal after the Gmail app was put out of business. Still could be a coincidence, though, but I don’t rule the app out from being behaving poorly.

  • rough pencil sketch of kitten supported by two hands pressed together at wrists
  • While I deleted a reply that was negative about musical instruments, I still want to explain why I prefer not to hear music. It’s really simple, every time something horrible happens, it’s usually accompanied by (very loud) music. It’s like an itch, which can be removed by the pain of scratching.

  • quick pencil sketch of swiss army knife
  • Re my previous post, I saw the original movie of Dune (1984) on television, and was totally confused after watching. I believe I wasn’t the only one. I even had read one of the books in Dutch translation ten years earlier, and the movie was still a mystery to me (what’s it about, anyway?).

  • pencil sketch of bag of spice from the fictional world of Dune by Frank Herbert, stating The Spice Must Flow
  • pencil sketch of a kangaroo court
  • pencil sketch of a die and two coins bouncing up after being thrown
  • pencil sketch of the movie THEM from 1954, featuring a giant ant, screaming lady and man with a gun, while an atom blast is going on in the background
  • pencil sketch of a ladybug on a finger
  • The speed reading fallacy: the case for slow reading - Ness Labs

    Instead of trying to read faster, strive to read better.

    On a personal note, I sometimes catch myself vocalizing what I read, to silence the noise going on in my mind, then subvocalize, finally reading words by their shape, all within 15 minutes. Rereading paragraphs I see myself doing as well, sometimes even rereading previous chapters.

    Reading as many books as possible seems silly to me, since it’s only performative, an empty achievement, without benefiting anyone, least myself. Some books take longer to read than others.