Pixel art. I made a Game Boy compatible base image (160 x 144 pixels, 4 colors), though with a different color palette (called “Candypop”). I can now easily add the theme and change the date. Though, the date is today 😬 That’s global timezones for you. I’m happy with it ☺️ … Time: 2u22m, oops 😅
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Pixel art at Game Boy resolution (160 x 144, 4 colors), using a different color palette (candy pop). This is me leaning out from art challenges a bit, not going into details too much. Still, drawing time was 2u25m. Not posted on Pixel Dailies.
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For r/SketchDaily. The final pixel art drawing for this streak of 30 days, illustrating the concept of evolution. As always, I reached for the sky, but got a slight hop out of it in reality. Pixel art for Game Boy Advance (240 x 160, 32 colors).
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Taking breaks is important, especially on days you’d rather spend in bed than making pixel art for the last day (for now) on r/SketchDaily.
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For r/SketchDaily. Off-topic: “News headline.” I obviously misread today’s theme, which is: “Not the onion” (alt theme: onion), and pick a weird headline to illustrate. Nah, I stuck with positivity instead. There’s enough downbeat “news” around. India reached the Moon–unlike Russia–in one piece 👏
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I updated my Reddit avatar (was alt theme on August 23, 2023). It’s 144 x144 pixels, 8 colors, which would fit easily on a Game Boy Advance screen. It illustrates my username, Rasheedity. It’s a mashup between the default Reddit alien and a pony I drew earlier this week.
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For r/SketchDaily. Theme: Movie Week Free Draw Finale, where you draw a favorite that wasn’t mentioned. I chose “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, with a twist. Drawing time: 7 hours in several sessions. Pixel art for Game Boy Advance (240 x160 pixels, 32 colors).
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Two days ago I felt I hadn’t the chops to draw a pony in MLP style to illustrate my Reddit username for r/SketchDaily. Today I remedied that omission by doing just that, draw a pony, in glorious 4-colors 160 by 144 pixels Game Boy art.
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For r/SketchDaily. Theme: “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” He’s literally in a frame, together with a Flash animated MyLittlePony, and videogame Mario. Pixel art for Game Boy Advance (240 x 160 pixels, 32 colors). Drawing time: 5u24m.
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For r/SketchDaily. Theme: “The Muppet Christmas Carol.” I didn’t want to blatantly copy an image from the Internet, so I did sloppy environment drawing and then tried to fix it the best I could. Pixel art for Game Boy Advance (240 x 160, 32 colors).
Added a dancer with 🎩
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For r/SketchDaily. Alt Theme Reddit name illustrated. Actually, it was made for r/MLPDrawingSchool, because it was big 11 years ago, “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.” My pony drawing skills have been worsened since.
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Originally I wanted to mash up all these shows for my Galaxy Quest r/SketchDaily theme, which would have been to ambitious for a one-day challenge:
- Doctor Who
- Farscape
- Quantum Leap
- Aliens
- Lost in Space
- Galaxy Quest
- Battlestar Galactica
- Star Wars
- Babylon 5
- Star Trek
- Stargåte
For r/SketchDaily, theme Galaxy Quest. Pixel art for Game Boy Advance (240 x 160, 32 colors). I decided to do a mash-up of the logo’s of Galaxy Quest, Star Wars, and Star Trek.
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For r/SketchDaily. Alt theme Donkey Kong. Pixel art Game Boy Advance (240 x 160, 32 colors).
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Studying shadow on a ball in pixel art. This isn’t easy, and probably full of mistakes.
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Pixel art for r/SketchDaily. Alt theme Olympics. Game Boy Advance pixel art (240 x 160, 32 colors).
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Pixel art for r/SketchDaily, alt theme The Matrix. I decided to make a simple animation with some text and graphics. However, the subreddit doesn’t allow animated GIF, it seems, so I shared one frame instead. Game Boy image format, 160 x 144, 4 colors.
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Practicing pixel art… I continued working on yesterday’s pixel art in Pixaki (it rocks!) To do it justice I’ll need a proper pixel editor like Aseprite, the industry standard. Ah well, tools not art make. If I happen to become a pro, buying a Mac will make much more sense.
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When I saw Pixaki could use the iPad’s pasteboard, I tried copy-and-pasting existing pixel art into Procreate, which has an 1-pixel brush installed. I enlarged the original three times, recreated the color palette, and drew over it in a new layer. I can see that having value, though it’s very slow.
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To prep for a free draw (not based on reference), I did a few pencil sketches to explore the drawing space of anthropomorphized bears. It was only a shallow exploration and even didn’t get my feet wet. I liked the idea of actual gummi bears (the sweets) instead of the Disney ones.