Art The RSS feed for Art.

  • Pixel art. I made a Game Boy compatible base image (160 x 144 pixels, 4 colors), though with a different color palette (called “Candypop”). I can now easily add the theme and change the date. Though, the date is today 😬 That’s global timezones for you. I’m happy with it ☺️ … Time: 2u22m, oops 😅

    pixel art of an elaborate frame for art that is yet to be drawn
  • Pixel art at Game Boy resolution (160 x 144, 4 colors), using a different color palette (candy pop). This is me leaning out from art challenges a bit, not going into details too much. Still, drawing time was 2u25m. Not posted on Pixel Dailies.

    pixel art with four doubloons on shelfs
  • For r/SketchDaily. The final pixel art drawing for this streak of 30 days, illustrating the concept of evolution. As always, I reached for the sky, but got a slight hop out of it in reality. Pixel art for Game Boy Advance (240 x 160, 32 colors).

    Pixel art illustrating the concept of evolution with different versions of Darkwing Duck. Drawing time: 4 hours (of which 20 min sketching on paper).
  • Taking breaks is important, especially on days you’d rather spend in bed than making pixel art for the last day (for now) on r/SketchDaily.

    pixel art showing the background of today's theme of Sketch Daily on Reddit
  • For r/SketchDaily. Off-topic: “News headline.” I obviously misread today’s theme, which is: “Not the onion” (alt theme: onion), and pick a weird headline to illustrate. Nah, I stuck with positivity instead. There’s enough downbeat “news” around. India reached the Moon–unlike Russia–in one piece 👏

    pixel art for Game Boy Advance (240 by 160 pixels, 4 colors, drawn in 2u52m), illustrating a news headline, a successful rocket launch over the India national flag
  • I updated my Reddit avatar (was alt theme on August 23, 2023). It’s 144 x144 pixels, 8 colors, which would fit easily on a Game Boy Advance screen. It illustrates my username, Rasheedity. It’s a mashup between the default Reddit alien and a pony I drew earlier this week.

    pixel art of MLP pony with a Reddit antenna on its head, looking joyful
  • For r/SketchDaily. Theme: Movie Week Free Draw Finale, where you draw a favorite that wasn’t mentioned. I chose “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, with a twist. Drawing time: 7 hours in several sessions. Pixel art for Game Boy Advance (240 x160 pixels, 32 colors).

    pixel art with movie scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark, where Indiana Jones is replaced by a cartoon rabbit
  • Two days ago I felt I hadn’t the chops to draw a pony in MLP style to illustrate my Reddit username for r/SketchDaily. Today I remedied that omission by doing just that, draw a pony, in glorious 4-colors 160 by 144 pixels Game Boy art.

    pixel art of an MLP pony
  • For r/SketchDaily. Theme: “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” He’s literally in a frame, together with a Flash animated MyLittlePony, and videogame Mario. Pixel art for Game Boy Advance (240 x 160 pixels, 32 colors). Drawing time: 5u24m.

    pixel art of a frame with Roger Rabbit, somepony, and Mario in it
  • For r/SketchDaily. Theme: “The Muppet Christmas Carol.” I didn’t want to blatantly copy an image from the Internet, so I did sloppy environment drawing and then tried to fix it the best I could. Pixel art for Game Boy Advance (240 x 160, 32 colors).

    Added a dancer with 🎩

    pixel art of the London square in the Muppet Christmas movie
  • For r/SketchDaily. Alt Theme Reddit name illustrated. Actually, it was made for r/MLPDrawingSchool, because it was big 11 years ago, “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.” My pony drawing skills have been worsened since.

    Pixel art of cartoon cat portrait
  • Originally I wanted to mash up all these shows for my Galaxy Quest r/SketchDaily theme, which would have been to ambitious for a one-day challenge:

    • Doctor Who
    • Farscape
    • Quantum Leap
    • Aliens
    • Lost in Space
    • Galaxy Quest
    • Battlestar Galactica
    • Star Wars
    • Babylon 5
    • Star Trek
    • Stargåte
    11 SF movie and tv series logos
  • For r/SketchDaily, theme Galaxy Quest. Pixel art for Game Boy Advance (240 x 160, 32 colors). I decided to do a mash-up of the logo’s of Galaxy Quest, Star Wars, and Star Trek.

    pixel art illustration of Galaxy Quest logo in Star Wars letter effect and with Star Trek laurels around the Galaxy Quest badge, with a star field chockablock with stars
  • For r/SketchDaily. Alt theme Donkey Kong. Pixel art Game Boy Advance (240 x 160, 32 colors).

    pixel art of Donkey Kong offering flowers
  • Studying shadow on a ball in pixel art. This isn’t easy, and probably full of mistakes.

    pixel art of a ball with a shadow
  • Pixel art for r/SketchDaily. Alt theme Olympics. Game Boy Advance pixel art (240 x 160, 32 colors).

    pixel art of olympic rings with 5 favorite sports in them, gymnastics, track and field, water polo, volleybal, and swimming
  • Pixel art for r/SketchDaily, alt theme The Matrix. I decided to make a simple animation with some text and graphics. However, the subreddit doesn’t allow animated GIF, it seems, so I shared one frame instead. Game Boy image format, 160 x 144, 4 colors.

    pixel art animation of an expanding square, a choice between a red and blue pill, and the cryptic text You Are the One.
  • Practicing pixel art… I continued working on yesterday’s pixel art in Pixaki (it rocks!) To do it justice I’ll need a proper pixel editor like Aseprite, the industry standard. Ah well, tools not art make. If I happen to become a pro, buying a Mac will make much more sense.

    pixel art of my cat Aziz, both the original and his head 3 times enlarged, pixel-wise
  • When I saw Pixaki could use the iPad’s pasteboard, I tried copy-and-pasting existing pixel art into Procreate, which has an 1-pixel brush installed. I enlarged the original three times, recreated the color palette, and drew over it in a new layer. I can see that having value, though it’s very slow.

    screenshot of Procreate app on iPad, showing pixels drawn over 3 times enlarged original.
  • To prep for a free draw (not based on reference), I did a few pencil sketches to explore the drawing space of anthropomorphized bears. It was only a shallow exploration and even didn’t get my feet wet. I liked the idea of actual gummi bears (the sweets) instead of the Disney ones.

    pencil sketches of bears from imagination and some stylized bears pencil sketches with some stylized bears