I’ve rewritten the code I developed earlier and extended it into a full-fledged usr machine language routine. However, it needed testing, because of all the rewrites. So I grabbed my copy of Working Copy on my iPad and started Git-versioning both the assembly and the Basic code. It was invaluable for getting the code to work correctly.

[ part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | bonus ]

Here are some of the major changes I made:

  • the input and output of functions now use the .A, .X and .Y registers
  • the prime function now picks out of a list of all the 54 prime numbers that smaller than 256
  • a main routine was added that tests the primality of the value put into the usr function in Basic, and returns either a zero (false) or minus one (true)

After every part was tested, I ended up with a collection of documents, I’ll share next. These are the algorithm, assembly code, and Basic test program (the machine code already loaded in locations $c000, or 49152, and higher). I did away with a machine code loader in data statements, because that became too much of a chore. The point of this whole exercise was to learn something about coding for the Commodore 64, particularly in 6502 assembly language.

And that I have accomplished. It isn’t the most efficient 6502 machine language routine, but it does work. And that always makes me happy 😃


main routine:

  1. convert the real number from Basic into a 16-bit unsigned integer, called “testnum”
  2. set primality flag to “false”
  3. for each of the 54 prime numbers that are less than 256,
    • if (testnum == prime) then set primality flag to “true”, and go to step 6
  4. set primality flag to “true”
  5. for every next prime, starting with the 0th,
    • if ( (prime * prime) == testnum) then set primality flag to “false”, and go to step 6
    • if ( (prime * prime) > testnum ) then go to step 6
    • if ( (testnum modulo prime) == 0) then set primality flag to “false”, and go to step 6
  6. convert the primality flag into a real value and return it to Basic

prime function:

  • pick the n-th element out of a list of 54 primes, where n starts from zero, up to 53

square function:

  • start with a zero value for the 16-bit square
  • shift square 8 times to the left, and each time
    • shift the 8-bit number to be squared left into the carry bit
    • if there’s a carry, then add the original value of number to square

modulo function:

  • shift the 16-bit dividend 16 times into the 16-bit remainder, and each time
    • after each shift, test subtract divisor from remainder, and only store in remainder for positive values


; usrfunction-0-4.asm

        getadr = $b7f7
        givayf = $b391
        *= $c000
                jsr getadr      ; convert real into unsigned int 
                                ; in .A & .Y (hi/lo)
                sty testnum     ; save for later use
                sta testnum+1
                ldx #$00
                stx isprime     ; assume it is not a prime
                cpy #$02        ; is testnum less than 2?
                lda testnum+1
                sbc #$00
                bcs okay        ; testnum >= 2
                jmp foundit     ; no, then output value of isprime

        ; test if test number is equal to one of the prime numbers

                ldx #53
                stx order       ; start with 53th prime
                ldx order
                bmi loop1x      ; if < 0 then exit loop

                jsr prime       ; get nth prime in .X
                cpx testnum     ; is testnum == prime?
                bne loop1a      ; no, then next prime
                lda testnum+1
                bne loop1a

                ldy #$ff        ; yes, then
                sty isprime     ; it is a prime
                bne foundit     ; skip to the end
                dec order       ; try previous prime
                bcc loop1       ; continue loop
                lda #$ff
                sta isprime     ; assume testnum is prime
                lda #$00
                sta order       ; start with 0th prime
                ldx order
                jsr prime       ; find the nth prime
                stx temp        ; store for later use
                jsr square      ; square the prime
                cmp testnum     ; prime * prime == testnum ?
                bne loop2a
                cpy testnum+1
                bne loop2a
                ldy #$00
                sty isprime     ; yes, then it is not a prime
                beq foundit
                cmp testnum     ; is prime * prime > testnum?
                sbc testnum+1
                bcs foundit     ; then exit the loop
                ldx temp        ; prime is divisor
                lda testnum     ; testnum is dividend
                ldy testnum+1
                jsr modulo
                cmp #$00        ; is remainder zero?
                bne loop2b      ; no, then next prime
                cpy #$00
                bne loop2b
                ldy #$00        ; yes, then
                sty isprime     ; it is not a prime
                beq foundit
                inc order       ; try next prime
                bcc loop2       ; continue loop
                lda isprime     ; primality flag is
                tay             ; either $0000 or $ffff
                jmp givayf      ; make it real & return to Basic
                .word $ffff     ; container for number to be tested
                .byte $ff       ; container for n, as in nth prime
                .byte $ff       ; container for flag that signals
                                ; primality
                .byte $ff       ; temporary storage for prime

; prime
; Finds the nth prime on the number line.
; E.g. prime(0) = 2, prime(1) = 3, etc.
; input .X order n
; output .X nth prime number
; effects on .A, .X, .M, .Z
                lda primes,x    ; load from list of primes
                tax             ; put it in .X
        ; ordered list of all 54 prime numbers less than 256
        primes  .byte   2,   3,   5,   7,  11 
                .byte  13,  17,  19,  23,  29
                .byte  31,  37,  41,  43,  47
                .byte  53,  59,  61,  67,  71
                .byte  73,  79,  83,  89,  97
                .byte 101, 103, 107, 109, 113
                .byte 127, 131, 137, 139, 149
                .byte 151, 157, 163, 167, 173
                .byte 179, 181, 191, 193, 197
                .byte 199, 211, 223, 227, 229
                .byte 233, 239, 241, 251
; square
; Calculates the 16-bit unsigned square of an 8-bit unsigned integer.
; input .A number to be squared
; output .A, .Y squared number (lo/hi)
; Destroys all registers.

        number = $61            ; 8-bit value to be squared
        nsquare = $62           ; 16-bit value of squared number
        tnumber = $64           ; temporary storage for number
                sta number      ; put .A in number
                lda #$00        ; clear A
                sta nsquare     ; clear square low byte
                                ; (no need to clear the high byte,
                                ; it gets shifted out)
                lda number      ; get number in .A
                sta tnumber     ; save original for later use
                ldx #$08        ; 8 bits to process
                asl nsquare     ; shift square to left
                rol nsquare+1   ; (i.e. multiply by 2)
                asl a           ; get next highest bit of number
                bcc sqnoadd     ; don't do add if carry is zero
                tay             ; save .A for later use
                lda tnumber     ; add original number value
                adc nsquare     ; to square
                sta nsquare
                lda #$00        ; add a possible carry
                adc nsquare+1   ; to the high byte of square
                sta nsquare+1
                tya             ; get .A back
                dex             ; decrement bit counter
                bne sqloop      ; go do next bit
                lda nsquare     ; lo byte of square in .A
                ldy nsquare+1   ; hi byte of square in .Y
; modulo
; Calculate the modulo of an 8-bit number with a 16-bit number.
; input .A, .Y dividend
;       .X divisor
; output .A, .Y remainder
; Destroys all registers.

        num1 = $61      ; 16-bit dividend
        num2 = $63      ; 8-bit divisor
        rem = $64       ; 16-bit remainder
        sta num1        ; .A lo byte of dividend
        sty num1+1      ; .Y hi byte of dividend
        stx num2        ; .X divisor
        lda #$00        ; clear remainder
        sta rem
        sta rem+1
        ldx #16         ; do 16 bits
        asl num1        ; shift num1 to the left
        rol num1+1
        rol rem         ; into remainder
        rol rem+1
        lda rem         ; do trial subtraction
        sbc num2        ; with divisor
        lda rem+1
        sbc #$00        ; divisor is 8-bit value
        bcc modnosub    ; was there a borrow, 
                        ; then skip subtraction
        sta rem+1       ; save the result
        sty rem
        dex             ; repeat for 16 bits
        bne modloop
        lda rem         ; lo byte of remainder in .A
        ldy rem+1       ; hi byte of remainder in .Y


0 rem testusrf-0-4.bas
1 rem version 5 - test completed usr function
10 poke 785,0: poke 786,192:rem usr function at $c000
20 input "number";n
30 m = usr(n)
40 print n;"is ";: if not m then print "not ";
50 print "prime"
60 print "any key to continue"
70 poke 198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0
80 goto 20