• I guess I don’t like fireworks thrown at my feet, however jolly it may be for others to see my discomfort. I pity any dog owners, though, despite drug induced canine relaxation. 😱 πŸŽ† πŸ’ŠπŸ• #newyearseve

  • I wonder if it’s worth to continue working on the pixel portrait.

  • Another approach for another day.
    πŸ‘Ύ 🎨

  • I suppose every obscure famous person (fame is ephemeral) has a fansite. I just draw ‘em in pixels.

    pixel art portrait
  • Got my festive covid booster on second Christmas day. Had to travel a bit to get there. Previous times were a brief walk from where I live. πŸ’‰

  • Dipping my toe into Khan Academy’s electrical engineering course, slowly though.

  • Another β€œunbreakable” elastic band has snapped. Promoting myself from green to blue.

  • I kept (binge-)watching this one Youtuber, so I thought it only fair to support him on Patreon. I suppose this is how it works, but I’m not sure πŸ€” I’ve supported before, only to find out I felt pity on the creator, which actually is a bad reason, since pity is always temporary.

  • Nudging readers to a new blog will be challenging. I can’t force them, and there are only a handful to begin with. Maybe that’s a blessing, since those who are still reading probably do so with good reason.

  • I’m in that part of my Go language course where things might get confusing. That would be pointer arithmetic β€πŸ˜± πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

  • The new premium feature of newsletters by micro.blog seems to be for those who use the blogging service for some kind of professional use, or, at least, for some kind of business or side-business. I still have to get one of those, so I’ll pass, same as for podcasts.

  • I 😊 can has Go on iPad running on Pi πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

  • This new Go course on Udemy is much better suited for me, at least, so far. The presenter is not cutting corners and patiently digs into each line of code to explain the underlying concepts πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

  • I found another Udemy course on the Go programming language. This one was rated high too. Second time’s a charm? πŸ€” Courses are a bit of a πŸ’© shoot. Loads of flyby nights and copycats out there, only a few gems. I suppose that’s how things usually are in a free marketplace.

  • I bought a course on Udemy on Go, and I regret buying it. It turns out, the author skips a lot of essential material to get to the point. The code does run, but users are confused about the lessons. I guess I’ll ask for a refund, if there is one.

  • I ran my marathon Sunday November 28 in a cold, somewhat wet, yet blistering (puddles) 3:59:06πŸ₯‡

    It was over six years ago I ran my previous, so this one could’ve been my first, physically, not mentally, because your first marathon is special, precious, with tears and crying. πŸƒ

  • We had some nightly frost where I live in the Netherlands πŸ₯ΆπŸ˜„

  • www.udemy.com

    I’ve enrolled in this course on Udemy (with a discount). Seems interesting. Learn Go for Beginners Crash Course (Golang)

  • Trying to teach myself the Go language. I’m still lacking a pet project to bring me to the next level of beginner Go programmer πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

  • Currently reading: Time Riders Collection By Alex Scarrow 9 Books Set Pack (TimeRiders) by Alex Scarrow πŸ“š