Sometimes (read: often) I get distracted by an interesting bit of art-making fundamentals, try to apply it, then get totally side-stepped by the intracies of drawing from a cute photo, forgetting what I wanted to try out in the first place. The creative process never seems to go in a straight line.
I also found this interesting article about drawing styles in cartoons, from Steamboat Willy to Adventure Time and anime, and many things in between. Oh, the open web, why are you so much interesting than any social network?
oh this is a great find! Thanks for sharing. I love how there are still such personal topics that people will write about.
@ChrisJWilson Yes! I once mb’d about a YT video about a meme, in which a store was called Michaelsoft Binbows, so hilarious! Someone asked himself, where is that store, and does the building still exist? Only one article on the whole early web about that actual store, written in a foreign language.