Challenge the challenger (or: a little help wanted here)
It is said, by some, that there’s nothing magical about January 1. So resolutions seem rather nonsensical, at least, putting a start date on something. Just start, which is what I just did, by writing and publishing this blog post. And, I warn you in advance, I will ramble and meander through my “ideascape” (if that’s even a word—it now is).
As announced in my previous post, and I’m still calling it that, my self-challenge is called 366 Days of Coding. The year 2024 will become the year that I finally produced a video game. I’ve tried many times before, but was held back by lack of confidence, mostly. I’ve worked on that in 2023, and my improved mental hygiene should give me the protection against self-doubt I need.

Now how is this going to work, what will be my general overarching workflow? Well, I don’t know… I’ve never been much of a planner. I always let deadlines pass by, and brushed it off as proof that I’m worthless, because, well, see! That’s no way to live. First of all, seeing how long indie games are in beta, testing and debugging seems a rather important part of software development. Also, it’s good to have a second opinion to rely on, which means beta-testers. However, on my first try I’ll have to do most of that myself, since I lack any reputation to call for outside help, and actually receive help.
I can imagine it’s like writing one’s first novel. It takes such a long time, because a lot has to be learned, especially accepting outside help from a closed reader group, who give positive feedback on one’s writing. In that first attempt, as a new writer, I guess most figure that out for themselves, perhaps by using a partner or close friends as “guinea pigs”, or whatever is available to them. Purposefully looking for a group of dedicated beta-readers, often means one has been oneself first. I suppose being an avid reader is a prerequisite for becoming a writer, why else would one even want to write a book? In fact, helping a writer out with positive critique may give the critic ideas on how to become a writer themselve. From that perspepctive, gathering a group of beta-readers seems to me like paying something forward, from the writer’s point of view.
However, there are many more readers of books than there are players of retro-games. It’s a self-selecting group of mostly older people with nostalgia, and younger people who can identify with the old times, as an esthetic. They will be opinionated, perhaps even rude, since they are far off the beaten path, into a barren land (space-time, actually) that once was great and thriving, and only is accessible through personal memory and documentation (books, magazines, videos, etc.). On the other hand, retro-gaming is having a revival, as all things eighties of the previous century. Things in the current news are rather grim, and there is certainly a hunkering for the good old days, even in those who never lived through those.
So, however I will go about things, testers are an essential part of software development. After all, a video game, like a book, is to be experienced by others than the author/creator. It makes sense to accept input by those others, not what or how to make something, but how they experienced what you made. Still, there are always those who think they know better than you, and offer how-to tips. They might know better, but you are the person making, on your terms, schedule and responsibility. Whatever you make, it is always a compromise between what you aim at (aim as high as you can), how much time you have (besides daily chores, work, etc.), and what you can put up with and still enjoy it (mostly).
If you have no idea of the final product, don’t have the time, and don’t like the process, this is not for you.
I have some ideas what to make, so many, that I need to pick one. My first task, then, is to explore the world of indie gaming on retro computers, briefly (!), and see what I like and don’t like. There are no original ideas—well so few that they don’t stand out—but there are original spins on existing ideas. With a shortlist of ideas I can think about what my take would be. This will lead to an opinionated product, some will like, others won’t. That is a good thing, since you don’t want a bland product no one hates, but also no one prefers. You can’t please everyone. Heck, it’s hard to please anyone nowadays, with the world being as polarized as it currently is.
After having a list of possible ideas, it’s time to prototype, and see what appeals to me. This is often done on paper or in a design document, rough, yet playable, if you do the mechanics of the game yourself. In the final game this is all automated, but in this rough stage, you are the driver, leaving room to change mechanics on the fly.
Now comes the hard part, picking and committing. You can always go back and pick something else once you hit a dead end, but that shouldn’t be par for the course.
What comes after that is still blurry to me, because I’ve never done something like this before. I’m sure to keep you posted once I discover the intricacies of game development, at least, how I perceive those. This is an experiment of one. You shouldn’t copy someone else’s workflow, but, instead, learn from it, to improve yours. This doubly applies to a newbie like myself, looking at how other, more seasoned developers go about things.
It will be educational. Of that I’m sure.
Thanks for sticking with it until the end of this thought piece. I’m sure I got most things (slightly) wrong. Please feel free to comment and enlighten me with your bright ideas, maybe suggest (parts of) how to do what I’m planning to do. I’m sure I will learn something from it, and, reciprocally, by formulating your ideas in clear words, you might as well.