Based on a fuzzy photo in the rain, this morning I used it as a reference for this pencil sketch. The result is what it is, but it’s a result despite the fear of failure. The latter is silly 🙃 since nothing is threatening me, nor has failing real consequences. 🎨
I think it is well drawn. Proportions and shadows/highlights is very believable. I’d be proud if I could draw that good.
You’re right. That’s how it is. Luckily I’m not very skilled in anything anymore. 😅 Last year I thought about doing Inktober, but it came so sudden upon me that I decided to postpone it until this year. But…I read the rules, and drawing on an iPad wasn’t allowed as I understood it. I was looking forward to trying that out for real.
@odd Rules are to be broken. Draw on an iPad and disqualify your art without fear. Nobody will care but you. And even if someone cares, they can look elsewhere for their enjoyment, while you’re having a blast on an “illegal” iPad.
@odd And BTW, the FAQ mentions, while not intended for it, digital inking is allowed.
It is? Hmm. Well, now I have 10 days to get my head in the right place. Maybe I’ll do it, just for doing it.