• Running in a group of 🏃 🏃‍♀️ between the heather just before sun set.🌳🌅

  • 😮 I already did 31 blog posts out of 596 in two days. At five percent, that would mean only 40 days to completely converting my old blog. Some posts don’t need editing, just being reposted, so Hugo picks it up (the other trick from @til didn’t work; tried that already).

  • Just posted on help.micro.blog: How can I read in chronological order? Because, you know, sometimes you want to. I just don’t know how to accomplish this in MB elegantly.

  • I suppose re-editing 3 out of 592 posts a day of my new MB blog (read: 3-4 hours a day) makes me both invested in and proud about that particular blog. Quick calculation gives me 200 days, or roughly a month of non-stop—i.e. without doing anything else—editing. It’s a huge task…

  • While the import from Wordpress is very useful, I still need to edit every post (592). First of all, they are in (broken) HTML. Second some of the image files are still on the old site. So a lot of hand coding, and Agile Tortoise’s excellent HTML > MarkDown script for Drafts.

  • While 🏃 17 km I went underneath my personal honor gate. Well, in my mind, anyway.

  • Decided to run urban, because I can 🏃

  • I wonder if it’s wrong of me, NOT to show comments on my new blog, a running related diary? I mean, I don’t expect many, if any, since it’ll be in Dutch, and Dutch commenters would’ve to sign up for a paid account on MB. Ad-free Disqus costs me $11/mo, so out of the question.

  • Currently reading: Racing Weight Cookbook: Lean, Light Recipes for Athletes (Racing Weight Series) by Matt Fitzgerald CISSN 📚🏃

  • Listening to audio and watching videos on vi.to about micro.camp, because it was too stuttery live Friday and Saturday.

  • While talent accounts for > 65 % of a 🏃 marathon time, age > 25 %, I can’t influence any of that. Of the changeable factors most beneficial is a 🏃 weight. Going from obese to healthy weight accounts for 7 %, much more than other factors, for me, 4 instead of 5 hours. 15 weeks.

  • ☀️ on 🐱 back 🥰

  • It didn’t work. It must be a bug. All the posts deleted in the MB app are still on the server. I’ve requested @help to reset my blog. I also removed all tags and categories from my WP blog, and exported the XML file. Now waiting for a “blank blog” to appear.

  • In frustration I deleted all my posts on my Dutch language blog. I’m waiting to let the server do its work and then re-import the XML file. Fingers crossed it works…

  • If you’re seeing my posts appearing on the Timeline, that’s because the Categories system of MB is broken for me. I have to copy the text of old posts, re-upload them as new post, change the date on the new post, and delete the old post with “invisible tags.” It’s frustrating.

  • Tonight, when micro.camp starts, the prime minister of the Netherlands will inform the public via a press conference about what measures will be taken in the coming months against COVID-19, considering new variants of the virus. I guess more different those events can’t be.

  • I used Skype video once, to see what it’s like. That was 13 years ago. I hated every minute of (paid for in advance) confusion. I guess no Zoom for me either, same medium. Facetime? Never launched the app (turned off in settings).

  • Starting to get organized with massaging my Dutch language blog from WP into MB. I even made a temporary category “TBE” for posts that need my attention next. Only 6 posts in 2020 left, 2008 - 2019 still to do…

  • I’m finding out things that used to work on Wordpress, yet no longer works on Micro.blog. I suppose that will apply to most who import their old blog. Massaging all those posts will take months, reinventing the side menu probably longer. IOW, what can I take away safely?

  • Good thing I have a year to work on my new Dutch language blog, here on MB. Most of the internal links are broken, some of the images (from Instagram) are missing. However, until I have my own domain I can do little about that. Import is good, not perfect. 13 years still to go…