I believe this lovely 😊 flower is called Policeman’s Helmet in English. I saw it today on my run and stopped to make a (live) photo. 🏃🌸 🌱
As expected, the impossible-to-tear elastic band for strength training tore from me using it for exercises. Now advancing to the green band.
Clearly, not meant for senior citizens, though I am one, at age 61, clearly. Still,💦⛰⛏ 💦 ➡️ 🧱🧱 🤪 Right?
Commenting on Strava instead of a thumbs-up takes a lot more time, especially because I want it to mean something, and have to dig into an athlete’s history. I personally don’t fave anymore, because I now see it as bookmarking in public, no longer as a sign of encouragement 🏃
This may sound strange, but I bought two pairs of trousers earlier today, and these were the smallest sizes available, width-wise, and there were only two in stock. Apparently, fashion stores have adapted to the obesity epidemic of the Industrialized World.
And then I came across this sign that says it wants to help the endangered wild bee 🐝 population by providing pollen and nectar through wild flowers in a wasteland area that won’t be cultivated nor developed on purpose. Also, I see many pave their city gardens for convenience.
If you pay attention you could see a lot of interesting stuff 😍 along your city walk🚶🏼
Too bad I can’t seem to find an app or web service to alert me of price drops on Amazon.nl. All work with other locales, just not .nl.
As per @danielpunkass’s post about 🍞, there’s The Fresh Loaf - A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts to consider if you’re into making your own and want to advance with the help of other enthusiasts.
The YouTube live stream of the launch of Inspiration4 has started.
Inspiration4 is expected to launch 🚀 later today for a 3-day low Earth orbit stay in space. It’s the first all-civilian crew in a Crew Dragon launched on top of a SpaceX Falcon-9 launcher. They’ll circle the Earth above the ISS, and hopefully make space available to everyone.
Thinking about consumerism… I have no need for new gadgets, so I’ll skip Apple’s presentation today. It’s just another sales pitch to unload some of the burden of having disposable income, preying on FOMO of the tech and adjacent enthusiasts. This is how I rationalize it 👨💻
Currently reading: Het beste van Bommel / 2 Heer Bommel overtreft zichzelf / druk 1 by 📚
And then everything broke, SMB, SSH, on my Pi. So I removed all the software, turned off the services. Should teach me not to install 3rd-party software. Back to file exchange via USB-sticks.
The official Hugo primer is already way above my pay grade. The intro by Mike Dane is much gentler, and doesn’t assume any prior knowledge as the official primer seems to do. 👨💻
I can has Remote Desktop Access to my Pi 🥧 now, with TeamViewer for personal use (free) 🤓 👨💻
According to both my calculated fat percentage and BMI I’m no longer overweight, nor obese: 75 kg, 1.74 m. 🏃 Good position to be in for my upcoming marathon, November 28. I lost 18 kg (40 lbs), or half my body fat mass, in 17 weeks.
And my dresser is assembled, in around three hours. Very pleased with myself, and the result, of course 😍 Again, such a good find last Monday, after almost giving up the furniture hunt. 🏠
Medieval city prison, at the then city limit, called the “Gevangenpoort", or prisoners’ gate.
32 pages for assembling a dresser seems daunting to me, having little experience with turning flatpacks into furniture. However, I’m low on funds, so paying someone else to do it must wait a month. Alternatively, I do it myself, today… 😱 That didn’t go well the previous time 😔 🏠