• I still see people (including myself) having old-fashioned ideas about gender, body type, skin color and cultural background. The ideas aren’t right out bigotry, but certainly inspired by bigots, other than who utter those ideas. Change is hard, social change doubly so, it seems.

  • I don’t yet know what today’s theme will be for Pixel Dailies. I do know that day 27 of April Fool’s Month is Kingsday here in the Netherlands, or, as we call it: “Koningsdag.” It’s one of those oddities in a parliamentary monarchy.
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    pixel art for pixel dailies on kingsday 2022
  • Parallelization in Fortran Wiki

    I heard about this on Retro Computing Roundtable 254. It seems the first high-level language is still in use and rather relevant for parallel computing on multi-core CPUs and graphics processors. Fortran was designed to be everywhere and very fast

  • The Talk Show βœͺ: Ep. 344, With Glenn Fleishman

    My take-away… Despite the negativity around Twitter’s acquisition by Elon Musk, the social network could get better if cooler heads prevail and good ideas are implemented instead of running around to put out fires all the time.

  • I just counted 6 printed pages over 10 days for my Dutch language running blog. Over 14 years I’ve written 6800+ pages, or over 2660 characters per day, every day 😳

  • Pixel art animation. On the 26th day of April Fool’s Month the Pixel Dailies theme was “phonebooth.” It immediately reminded me of the S-guy.
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    pixel art animation, door of phonebooth opening reveals superman
  • I suppose one could construe that me using for an art prompt Pixel Dailies, which is restricted to a social network, which in turn was bought by the richest troll on the planet, made me stretch April Fool’s day to a month. However, no Nostradamus resides in this mortal coil.

  • Pixel art. I suppose an abandonned family pet best illustrated today’s Pixel Dailies theme “bleak."

    pixel art wounded dog in nightly desert landscape
  • Pixel art. I spent too much time on this piece. One thing I learned is that lettering in perspective is hard and the result rather disappointing. I suppose it’s best to avoid it, whenever possible.
    πŸ‘Ύ 🍭πŸ–₯πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ¨πŸŽ¨

    pixel art lollipop
  • I suppose, like Facebook, Twitter is on a decline. I can’t blame users for being annoyed by all the advertising and tracking, combined with bullying by long-lost acquaintances who think of themselves as “good friends.” It really is a cess pool of the worst of humanity.

  • Plant photo. My guess is that this some kind of hyacinth, found today, growing in the wild on a piece of urban development area, most likely for future housing.

    some kind of hyacinth
  • I didn’t know what tab groups were, so I looked it up. To easily open several tabs at the same time. Obviously, a web browser power user feature, so I can skip it. I seldom have more than one tab open. Now for other useless (to me) iOS features, there are a lot, too many, alas.

  • Pixel art. The 24th day of April Fool’s Month had a Pixel Dailies theme “table.” I tried to make it a fancy table in isometric perspective.
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    pixel art fancy table in isometric perspective
  • Pixel art. On day 23 of April Fool’s Month the Pixel Dailies theme was “sea food.” I interpreted as “sea banquet”, which is a kind of chocolate delicatessen in the shapes of stylized sea creatures.
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    pixel art chocolates in shape of sea creatures
  • Pixel art. I made this piece to practice design and lettering, both subjects that need practicing a lot in my case (I’m weak in these). My inspiration were the Viking myths. FYI, horned helmets on warriors were never a thing in reality, nor would they’ve been practical.
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    pixel art title screen with warrior and title Norsk in strange lettering
  • Pixel art. Today’s Pixel Dailies theme was “garnish.” I combined it with the feisty Evanlyn from John Fanagan’s The Ranger’s Apprentice medieval fantasy series.
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    pixel art woman in medieval garb throwing garnish
  • Pixel art. I made a black and white drawing with Grafx2 on my Raspberry Pi 400, using a mouse. I refined it on my iPad using Pixaki, and created a simple (though crude) animation.
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    pixel art black and white drawing of a man frowning colored pixel art animation of man with cat on his shoulder alternating frowning and laughing
  • The day before yesterday I fell while running and yesterday I strained my hamstring (again, after I did two weeks ago). I feel bruised and strained like an apple that fell from a tree. Yay for foam rollers and pain medicine πŸƒ

  • Pixel art. The Pixel Dailies theme for day 21 of April Fool’s Month is “prize”, which I interpreted as a token for a final position in a competition (in this case, first place).
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    pixel art first prize token
  • Social bonding through grooming. One grooms, the other purrs, softly, because it’s for the other cat, not for a (in feline perspective) deaf human. 🐱

    two cats, one is grooming the other