• Sand

    While sand is abundant on the Earth’s surface, it takes a special kind of coarse sand to use for building things, like concrete, silicon wafers, sand castles. It’s finer than pebbles, coarser than silt, so you can grab hold of it, yet not feel individual particles πŸ–οΈ

    ballpoint pen sketches and writing on notebook page about sand
  • I got this double cat hammock for Christmas. The cats seem to enjoy it.

    hammock for two cats
  • Examination

    The magnifying glass is the staple for the lone sleuth who solves cases the police can’t by lack of intelligence and work ethic. This is, of course, a fantasy version of detective work πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

    ballpoint sketch of a sleuth holding a magnifying glass
  • A Bullet journal seems a project management tool. I usually never plan further ahead than a couple of weeks. Sooo, not getting things done is what my “productivity” seems to be about 😬 “It” needs improvement.

    Does any of you can suggest how to best start with bullet journaling?

  • Parade

    When it said “parade”, my imagination went to “marching band”, and the few times in my life (especially when I was in my preteens) I noticed them. They are a lively bunch, attracting immediate attention from the whole neighborhood. In sports events they are a staple.

    ballpoint pen rough sketch of a marching band walking through a shopping street with spectators
  • Today’s December 28, and the randomly chosen word for a blog post is:


    I took that as a marching band in a street. I had no idea what instruments are in such a band, nor how they look, nor are played. So, references galore.

    Freeform board with Parade and references of people playing marching band instruments
  • One person’s trash is supposedly another person’s Xmas treasure. They were bought on a whim, yet never used. I hope I’ll put them to good use.

    four Dutch language art instructional book about drawing and painting cats
  • Defendant

    In my experience, when personal attachments are involved, being impartial is almost impossible. We cannot but be irrational about who (or what) we love. I suppose a certain Christmas present will make me continue doing a challenge about drawing cats.

    in ballpoint pen, definitions of the meaning of defendant, with below a sketch of a person embracing a cat defensively with something in its mouth, exclaiming he is innocent (and so cute)
  • Chance

    Happy πŸ“¦ing Dayβ€”day of buying schmancy goods at bargain prices.

    Now what’s the probability that I didn’t cheat at this ballpoint pen drawing? I had to mirror (eww!) the baby’s right hand, because I seem to have difficulties remembering what’s left and right πŸ˜…

    ballpoint pen drawing of a clothed baby finding a coin, on a pedestal stating 1:1000000000, watched by a cat
  • 🌿

    The alien PLANT was PLANTed as a disguised PLANT with PLANTs to conquer the world with 🎁 presents and πŸ₯° love.

    Happy Christmas ‼️

    ballpoint pen sketch of several meanings of the word plant
  • Forest

    Many authors believe in the statement, show don’t tell. However, saturating the readers minds with an abundance of details will put them off, confuse them to no end. There is such a thing as too much. I’m guilty to this as well. Trimming the fat the good way is hard.

    ballpoint pen sketch of a forest
  • On caturday we eat together, yet separated because of dietary differences. Still seeing the other eat improves the appetite 🐱🍽️

    two cats eating, one in a cage, one in front of a cage
  • For Christmas Eve Day, December 24, the random prompt for a blog post is:


    Freeform board with references for the word Forest
  • Fault

    Creatives deal with the hard reality that comfort while making, as if by an artisan AI bot, probably is reproducing, not creating. The end product looks so great because of established, proven to workβ€”hence are not creativeβ€”workflows. That ”F” teaches us to do better.

    ballpoint pen drawing of a portrait that deserves an F
  • Nationalist

    I guess I’m not very patriotic myself. We don’t do a mandatory pledge of allegiance where I live, mostly because of freedom of religion, and separation of church and state. Although populism is certainly a thing here, extreme nationalism is frowned upon.

    colored ballpoint pen cartoon of a nationalist anthropomorphic male chicken running with flag
  • The blogging prompt for 22 december is:


    This is as far as I know somewhat synonymous to patriot. As with everything, it becomes a negative when coupled with covert bigotry and elitism. We are all equal, yet some are more equal than others.

    Freeform concept board for the prompt Nationalist
  • Hike

    I suppose I never made a long hike. The problem is that I can’t leave my cats alone for longer than a day. Day trips I have done, several times. The longest day hike I can remember was about 60 km in 14 hours, in summer, no water. That was a mistake, as is the drawing.

    colored pencil sketch of the great outdoors
  • iPad OS 16.2 Freeform seems an excellent tool to do concepts with rough sketches, references, etc. I can also see it as an artists' collab board, to have some fun together for a set period. Alas, there’s no video recording, nor a live video sharing built in, so others can watch.

    iPad OS 16.2 Freeform app loaded with a concept board for Hike
  • The random blogging prompt for December 21 is:



    colored pen sketch of the prompt Hike on 21-12-2022
  • I tried some Mathologer stuff, and found it very hard to replicate. Often it’s just too hard for me to follow. Maybe I’m just too old or scatterbrained. I’m seriously contemplating to enter my doodles in Doodleaddicts, aka DA, not to be confused with deviantART.

    ballpoint pen sketch for math is hard