So many hurdles for reading e-📚 through my local library. After buying a €160 e-reader (not Kindle, nor Sony), I still need to ① pay a yearly subscription ② buy a Windows PC or Mac ③ install Adobe Digital Editions. This is for people with time and money to waste 😒
Currently reading: Assemblers, compilers, and program translation (Computer software engineering series) by Peter Calingaert 📚 👨💻
I wonder if 📚 lovers are prepared to goes as far as Ray Bradburry’s Fahrenheit 451, in which book lovers can recite their favorite book. Obviously, George Orwell’s 1984 would countermand this, by Newspeak, removing the words from those books out of the language’s vocabulary.
Currently reading: Programming the 65816: Including the 6502, 65C02, and 65802 by David Eyes 📚 👨💻
Currently reading: On Writing Well, 25th Anniversary: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction by William K. Zinsser 📚
Currently reading: Assemblers and Loaders (Ellis Horwood Series in Computers & Their Applications) by David Salomon 📚 👨💻
I suppose now I’m writing every day (several times a day, really), reading the book On Writing Well by William Zinsser seems appropriate. 📚 ISBN-10: 0-06-000664-1