Art The RSS feed for Art.

  • Free Draw Friday on r/SketchDaily! Continued my “Famous Bears” of last Tuesday by refining the five I already did, adding four more, and do a free draw, based on the Gummi Bears. I gave up on guessing a drawing time, who cares? It was so much fun! Exhausting, though 🥱 Can’t keep up 10 hrs per day.

    pixel art of nine portraits of famous bears, and one free drawn bear, based on the Gummi Bears.
  • Work in Progress pixel art for r/SketchDaily Free Draw Friday. I fixed some of the problems I discovered with a fresh look. There’s just one portrait to go. Alas, my ambitions are thusly high, that it might take the rest of the day to pull it off.

    pixel art with 9 famous bear portraits from tv series and movies, and one portrait still to be drawn
  • 🤣 I hope I can get away with pixeling Po’s silly nephew Fo. I was trying another facial expression than in the reference, which went somewhere in the totally-off-model territory. It’s part of a larger pixel art piece for tomorrow.

    pixel art of bad lookalike panda bear Po

    In other news, I seem to have misplaced my bottle of alien gummi juice.
    👾 🛸

  • Today’s theme for r/SketchDaily is: Heavy Metal. To generate 1.21 Jigawatts you’d need something with a bit more kick. Game Boy Advance pixel art (240 x 160, 8 colors). Partially traced (save time), mostly drawn from imagination. Drawing time: ± 6 hours. 🙄 If I only had a time machine…

    pixel art movie scene of Back to the Future, with Doc Brown thinking of the answer to What is the Heaviest Metal in Existence?
  • Work in progress on a pixel art piece for Friday August 18, 2023. It’s a continuation (and refinement) of the piece I did for r/SketchDaily on August 15. The advantage of more time is a disadvantage at the same time, more can be added. Not always a good thing, as the initial vision could be lost.

    pixel art of portraits of seven famous bears from books and movies. Three portraits are still empty.
  • Today’s r/SketchDaily theme is plumbing. KISS is a wonderful principle, lost to practice. Game Boy artwork (160 x 144 pixels, 4 colors). Drawing time: 1u40m.

    Game boy pixel art with a pressure vessel, some plumbing and liquid pouring on the floor. Cat is laying on the plumbing.
  • Today’s r/SketchDaily theme is “🧸 Famous Bears." I was only able to do 5 out of 10 famous bears because I didn’t have enough time. Still, I was enjoying the 64 x 64 pixels portraits so much, that I’ll finish it coming Friday. Drawing time: 7u20m for the whole image, around 50min per portrait.

    pixel art with several identical Teddy bears at regular distances, and partially drawn portraits in pixel frames with the name of each of the five famous bears.
  • Work in progress for today’s r/SketchDaily theme “🧸 Famous Bears." I spent over 3 hours just collecting the references, and setting up the 512 x 512 pixels base image for ten 64 x 64 pixel art clips, to be filled with glorious pixel art imagery. Days are too short to pull off stunts like this…

    pixel art with several identical Teddy bears at regular distances, and empty pixel frames with names of famous bears.
  • Today’s theme for r/SketchDaily is Beehive. I drew Brigitte Bardot in a The Simpsons art style in pixel art that could have been draw on a Game Boy Advance (240 x 160, 16 colors). Drawing time: 2u57m.

    pixel art cartoon in Simpson art style with woman in red dress showing off her beehive hairdo, surrounded by flowers and bees
  • Another self-challenge, this time from Pixel Dailies, theme Gengar. I really didn’t like visiting Twitter (now X), but, luckily, PD is now on Discord too. Drawing time: 1u40m.

    pixel art of running Pokémon character Gengar
  • Today’s theme for /r/SketchDaily: The angriest looking fish you ever saw. Pixel art drawn from imagination. Size: 240 x 160, 16 colors. Drawing time: 3u6m.

    cartoony pixel art of an angry fish
  • Today’s theme of r/SketchDaily is High Society. I interpreted the theme as the 1954 movie with Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly, and Frank Sinatra. Pixel art for the Game Boy Advance (240 x 160 pixels, 16 colors). Drawing time a whopping 7u18m, even with tracing and off-model drawing.

    pixel art with movie poster image for High Society from 1954, with jolly actors Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly and Frank Sinatra, and a trumpet playing Louis Armstrong.
  • What was I thinking? Work in Progress…

    pixel art of movie poster with only the heads of four actors
  • It’s free draw Friday on r/SketchDaily! I used my own cat photo to do a quick rough sketch from imagination, using the trial version of the ArtStation Pro app on my iPad. Sketch time around ¾ hours. I hope cat toy lasers won’t give cats bad ideas about world domination 🙋‍♂️⚡️🔫🙀

    digital pencil sketch of an angry cat shooting lasers out of its eyes while sitting on a staircase.
  • Drawing in pencil without the ability to zoom feels weird. I know I’ll need to have more patience with these live drawings, though the cat was distracted by a fly and stopped posing. Also, it’s a thick pencil lead in the KOH-I-NOOR pencil holder. Exactness is nigh impossible.

    Pencil sketched cat portrait of a Bengal cat.
  • My new Reddit avatar is based on the official avatar, upgraded into cute pixel art.

    Pixel art version of generic Reddit user, but cuter.
  • Today’s theme for r/SketchDaily is Regatta. A search revealed Regatta is an outdoor fashion brand, so I went with that, instead of a boat race. Game Boy pixel artwork (160 by 144 pixels, 4 colors). Drawing time: 2u48m.

    Game Boy pixel art with Regatta Great Outdoors logo and a pair of outdoors Wellington boots (Wellies)
  • r/SketchDaily alt theme was Gudetama. Small pixel art drawing of this Japanese cartoon character on a Game Boy Advance canvas and a 16-colors palette.

    pixel art of Gudetama in his characteristic laid-back pose of a broken egg
  • As most of you may know, the only way to learn something is to commit to it, be it cats, iOS betas, or pixel art. I’m liking my experience with r/SketchDaily, though I realize many of the art subreddits are dead (sometimes no posts since over 3 years). I guess those have gone to Facebook.

    pixel art of generic Reddit user avatar
  • For r/SketchDaily, theme Bump in the Night. Didn’t have much time, so I shrunk it down to 32 by 32 pixels, on my Game Boy compatible canvas (160 x 144 pixels, 4 colors). Drawing time: 1u18m, using Pixaki on 9th gen iPad. I didn’t copy the reference slavishly—it doesn’t work at such a small scale.

    pixel art of haunted house in moody atmosphere