Free Draw Friday on r/SketchDaily! Continued my “Famous Bears” of last Tuesday by refining the five I already did, adding four more, and do a free draw, based on the Gummi Bears. I gave up on guessing a drawing time, who cares? It was so much fun! Exhausting, though 🥱 Can’t keep up 10 hrs per day.
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Work in Progress pixel art for r/SketchDaily Free Draw Friday. I fixed some of the problems I discovered with a fresh look. There’s just one portrait to go. Alas, my ambitions are thusly high, that it might take the rest of the day to pull it off.
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🤣 I hope I can get away with pixeling Po’s silly nephew Fo. I was trying another facial expression than in the reference, which went somewhere in the totally-off-model territory. It’s part of a larger pixel art piece for tomorrow.
In other news, I seem to have misplaced my bottle of alien gummi juice.
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Today’s theme for r/SketchDaily is: Heavy Metal. To generate 1.21 Jigawatts you’d need something with a bit more kick. Game Boy Advance pixel art (240 x 160, 8 colors). Partially traced (save time), mostly drawn from imagination. Drawing time: ± 6 hours. 🙄 If I only had a time machine…
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Work in progress on a pixel art piece for Friday August 18, 2023. It’s a continuation (and refinement) of the piece I did for r/SketchDaily on August 15. The advantage of more time is a disadvantage at the same time, more can be added. Not always a good thing, as the initial vision could be lost.
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Today’s r/SketchDaily theme is plumbing. KISS is a wonderful principle, lost to practice. Game Boy artwork (160 x 144 pixels, 4 colors). Drawing time: 1u40m.
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Today’s r/SketchDaily theme is “🧸 Famous Bears." I was only able to do 5 out of 10 famous bears because I didn’t have enough time. Still, I was enjoying the 64 x 64 pixels portraits so much, that I’ll finish it coming Friday. Drawing time: 7u20m for the whole image, around 50min per portrait.
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Work in progress for today’s r/SketchDaily theme “🧸 Famous Bears." I spent over 3 hours just collecting the references, and setting up the 512 x 512 pixels base image for ten 64 x 64 pixel art clips, to be filled with glorious pixel art imagery. Days are too short to pull off stunts like this…
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Today’s theme for r/SketchDaily is Beehive. I drew Brigitte Bardot in a The Simpsons art style in pixel art that could have been draw on a Game Boy Advance (240 x 160, 16 colors). Drawing time: 2u57m.
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Another self-challenge, this time from Pixel Dailies, theme Gengar. I really didn’t like visiting Twitter (now X), but, luckily, PD is now on Discord too. Drawing time: 1u40m.
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Today’s theme for /r/SketchDaily: The angriest looking fish you ever saw. Pixel art drawn from imagination. Size: 240 x 160, 16 colors. Drawing time: 3u6m.
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Today’s theme of r/SketchDaily is High Society. I interpreted the theme as the 1954 movie with Bing Crosby, Grace Kelly, and Frank Sinatra. Pixel art for the Game Boy Advance (240 x 160 pixels, 16 colors). Drawing time a whopping 7u18m, even with tracing and off-model drawing.
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What was I thinking? Work in Progress…
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It’s free draw Friday on r/SketchDaily! I used my own cat photo to do a quick rough sketch from imagination, using the trial version of the ArtStation Pro app on my iPad. Sketch time around ¾ hours. I hope cat toy lasers won’t give cats bad ideas about world domination 🙋♂️⚡️🔫🙀
Drawing in pencil without the ability to zoom feels weird. I know I’ll need to have more patience with these live drawings, though the cat was distracted by a fly and stopped posing. Also, it’s a thick pencil lead in the KOH-I-NOOR pencil holder. Exactness is nigh impossible.
My new Reddit avatar is based on the official avatar, upgraded into cute pixel art.
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Today’s theme for r/SketchDaily is Regatta. A search revealed Regatta is an outdoor fashion brand, so I went with that, instead of a boat race. Game Boy pixel artwork (160 by 144 pixels, 4 colors). Drawing time: 2u48m.
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r/SketchDaily alt theme was Gudetama. Small pixel art drawing of this Japanese cartoon character on a Game Boy Advance canvas and a 16-colors palette.
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As most of you may know, the only way to learn something is to commit to it, be it cats, iOS betas, or pixel art. I’m liking my experience with r/SketchDaily, though I realize many of the art subreddits are dead (sometimes no posts since over 3 years). I guess those have gone to Facebook.
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For r/SketchDaily, theme Bump in the Night. Didn’t have much time, so I shrunk it down to 32 by 32 pixels, on my Game Boy compatible canvas (160 x 144 pixels, 4 colors). Drawing time: 1u18m, using Pixaki on 9th gen iPad. I didn’t copy the reference slavishly—it doesn’t work at such a small scale.